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"Back To Nature" is the theme adopted for this school's environmental awareness program. This community strives to inculcate the love of nature among the youth in this school through hands on experience in nature. We aim to show the young generation that nature is not only for the viewing pleasure, it can also provide and protect us, thus, we need to protect and sustain it for the future.

Sunday, 23 October 2011

Butterfly House: A Dream Comes True

When initially proposed by Pn. Normahani Jamaludin during a SERASI meeting earlier this year, the suggestion was deemed "a wishful thinking". Nonetheless, encouraged by a promise of a "multi thousand ringgit" donation by our local YB specifically for school environmental programs, the project was a go, to everyone's delight. 

Semasa dikemukakan di mesyuarat pertama SERASI, cadangan oleh Pn. Mahani untuk mewujudkan rumah rama-rama ini seolah-olah sesuatu yang agak mustahil untuk dilaksanakan. Akan tetapi, terdorong berita adanya sumbangan YB yang bakal disumbangkan kepada program-program penghijauan sekolah sebanyak RM5000, projek ini mula menampakkan hasil.

The site of the Butterfly House Project. (Taman KESMA, tapak Projek Rumah Rama-rama)

Based on the paperwork prepared by Pn. Hajijah Hasan and Pn. Zainah Mohd. Fauzie (our certified butterfly enthusiast...), the foundation and steel frame were constructed in mid June 2011 by our very own amateur welder, Ustaz Hj. Kaharuddin Yusupala.

Berdasarkan kertas kerja yang disediakan oleh Pn. Hajijah Hasan, Penyelaras SERASI dan setiausaha Unit Keceriaan sekolah, serta Pn. Zainah Mohd. Zain, pencinta rama-rama (terkenal juga dengan panggilan "ibu kulimambang" di kalangan rakan sekerja), tapak asas dan kerangka besi untuk rumah tersebut mula didirikan pada bulan Jun 2011 oleh Ustaz Hj. Kaharuddin Yusupala (... hobi beliau: kimpalan dan binaan besi).

The basic construction of the house. (Binaan asas Rumah Rama-rama)
The Ustaz at work. (Ustaz Hj. Kaharuddin dan pembantunya)
Incrementally, the project started to materialize. The construction was announced "done" by mid October 2011. Now, it's time for the "interior designers" to move in and have their hands on the project.

Sedikit demi sedikit, binaan ini diusahakan sehingga "diisytiharkan" siap pada pertengahan bulan Oktober 2011. Selepas binaan ini siap, tibalah giliran pasukan "interior designer" untuk meneruskan projek.

Before... (Keadaan asal dalaman binaan.)
Before... (Perlu sentuhan pakar... :D)

The entrance. (Pandangan dari pintu masuk binaan)
Even as the construction was underway, the project's team members have taken their own initiatives to start their own fund for the purpose of purchasing flowering plants seedlings, fertile soil and basic equipments.

Selepas binaan ini "diserahkan" untuk diteruskan perlaksanaannya, ahli-ahli jawatankuasa Projek Rumah Rama-rama mengambil inisiatif untuk mengumpul dana dengan wang sendiri untuk membeli bunga-bunga, tanah hitam dan keperluan asas bagi projek ini.

Fertile soil and hanging pots. (Tanah hitam dan hanging pots)
Some of the seedlings. (Sebahagian daripada pokok bunga yang dibeli sendiri)
The first installment of the planting the seedlings was carried out on October 22nd 2012 by Pn. Hajijah, Pn. Mahani and assisted by En. Rosleh Saneh and En. Fareed Abdullah.

Kerja-kerja menanam pokok-pokok bunga di dalam binaan rumah rama-rama ini dimulakan pada 22 Oktober 2011 oleh Pn. Hajijah dan Pn. Mahani, dibantu oleh Encik Rosleh Saneh dan Encik Fareed Abdullah.

The bird bath is to provide water for the butterflies. ("Bird bath" hiasan, sumber air untuk rama-rama)
Preparing the soil for plantation. (Menyediakan tanah untuk menanam pokok bunga)
Rocks and old cement - very cumbersome. (Batu-batan dan sisa simen lama jadi penghalang utama kerja penanaman dan pemilihan pokok untuk hiasan)
Almost finished... (Separa siap...)
Waiting to be planted. (Pokok-pokok disusun dan menunggu masa untuk ditanam)
In her elements... (Kesungguhan Pn. Hajijah tiada tandingan...)
By the end of the day, all the hard work and the money spent could not be on par with the satisfaction of seeing the beauty of nature at the hands of man. There is no need for long vocal accolades, a simple sigh of appreciation will suffice. In the long run, we hope that by the appreciation of nature there will also be a rise in awareness of the need to protect and nurture the environment, which is the ultimate objective of this project.

Di akhir sesi menanam, hasilnya amat memberi kepuasan hati dan rasa berbaloi dengan penat lelah serta wang ringgit yang telah dibelanjakan (...bukannya banyak pun... :D). Jauh daripada mengharapkan penghargaan, cukup setakat jiwa sesiapa yang melihat menghargai dan memuji keindahan alam dan timbul rasa kecintaan dan seterusnya kesedaran untuk melindungi alam sekitar.

Today's work... (Hasil hari itu...)
Still got space to add life... (Masih ada ruang untuk menambah tanaman lain...)
Simply sublime... (Sejuk mata memandang...)

Photos by Mahani

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